the·o·phron (THē’-ə-fron)

  1. godly-minded adj.

  2. compendium of Christian thought n.

About the Journal

Theophron is a tri-annual academic journal dedicated to rigorous Christian scholarship in the humanities, particularly in the fields of philosophy, biblical studies, theology, and history. Through publishing articles and book reviews from scholars across programs and institutions, we leverage the marketplace of ideas to both galvanize academic growth and draw nearer to God through intellectual contemplation. We welcome submissions from any degree program (undergraduates included), as we maintain that outstanding scholarship is not contingent upon certain degree classifications. Our double-blind peer review process, however, evaluates all submissions with equally stringent guidelines. In doing so, we uphold a standard of excellence for all rising and existing scholars. 

To bridge the gap between Christian academia and non-academics, we additionally publish reflections and poetry from individuals outside of the academic study of religion and Christianity. Placing this material in conversation with the academic sections of the journal emphasizes the universality of intellectual pursuit—that knowing God is a journey involving all, regardless of occupation.

Our Current Staff

Advisory Board

Dr. Ryan (RT) Mullins

Palm Beach Atlantic University

Dr. Dolores Morris

University of South Florida

Dr. Fred Simmons

Princeton Theological Seminary

Dr. Dustin Benac

Truett Theological Seminary

Dr. Stephen Chapman

Duke Divinity School

Dr. Dennis Bray

University of St. Andrews

Senior Editors

Cameron Hurta

Executive Editor

Suzannah Omonuk

Poetry Editor

Andrew Rudolf

General Editor

Eric Anderson

Book Review Editor

Kyle Barton

Managing Editor

Potter McKinney

Production Editor

Associate Editors

Kayla Bartsch—Dominican House of Studies

Savannah Charlish—Columbia University

Drew Craddock—Whitworth University

Joni Graves—Princeton Theological Seminary

Joel Gunderman—Princeton Theological Seminary

Dr. Mitchell Kennard—Southern Methodist University

Dr. Michael Reardon—Wycliffe College

Jonathan Soder—Truett Theological Seminary

Alex Strasser—Texas A&M University